26 Jul WR Fuel Pump Replacement
Yes, the WR250R isn’t perfect, well at least for a few ’08 builds that is. As far as I know, newer models have not experienced any issues. The symptoms are the fuel pump stops pumping(of course) when riding in hot weather. Once the pump cools down it will run until it gets hot again. I experienced this issue first hand during our Idaho trip. One of the WRs on the trip wouldn’t run until we let it cool down.. then we could run for a few miles and it’d die. Luckily we were able to get it to stay running once we hit tarmac.
Given that my WR is in that ’08 build I purchased a new fuel pump a few months back & decided I’d throw it on. It’s hot here in Missouri and I have a 2 day ride coming up… and I don’t want to be stuck out on the trail! So I took some photos and video while I did the replacement just for others who haven’t pulled the pump out or wonder what it looks like. Enjoy…
Disconnecting the Fuel Pump
You will need to disconnect the wiring plug and the fuel line connector. It’s very easy to do, but take your time. DON’T FORCE IT!
The wiring plug has a pinch release, simply push it in and wiggle it free.
The fuel line has a two step process to disconnect it. First, push the orange lock connector away from the tank. Next, on each side of the connector, squeeze in the blue buttons.. this will release the connector and you can wiggle it off the fuel pump inlet port.
Old Fuel Pump in Safari Tank
Pulling the old pump out of the tank
New Fuel Pump
I also decided to replace the fuel pump rubber gasket.
As well as the bolts, I remember one of them getting a bit munchy when I installed my Safari tank. They’re cheap and it beats having one strip out.
New Pump(left) / Old Pump (right)
Installing New Fuel Pump
For the Safari tank, zip-tie the vacuum hose to the pump so the fuel in the Safari wings gets dumped to the fuel pump.
When tightening down the fuel pump bracket, be sure to tighten the bolts in a star pattern. Tighten one side, then the opposite side. Continuing in this pattern until its nice and snug. I also put blue Loctite on each bolt for assurance.
Once the pump is button down, it’s time to replace the tank. Connect the fuel line connector back on the new pump as well as the wiring plug. For a better fitment of the Safari tank, I added a small piece of Kydex under the lower mount and a small space washer to the upper mount as show below.
Looking into the tank you see the new fuel pump right at home…
As you can see I did not lower the low-fuel sensor. I just felt like I like it where its at, it helps me be mindful of the others I ride with fuel needs. When my reserve light comes on, its time to stop for the others. Then, I put some fuel back in the tank, turn the key and instantly noticed the new fuel pump is VERY quiet compared to the original pump. Hit the start button and she started right up.
Now my WR should be ready for another 100,000 miles… at least that’s my plan! If you have any questions just let me know by commenting below.
I ordered my Yamaha parts from Service Honda! Here’s some part #’s you may need…
FUEL PUMP COMP: 3D7-13907-00-00 Retail $312.73 Your price $213.29
BRACKET, FUEL PUMP: 3D7-24491-00-00 Retail $23.72 Your price $16.84 *
O-RING: 1S4-24486-00-00 Retail $21.93 Your price $15.58
BOLT, BUTTON HEAD: 92012-05016-00
Chris Luhman
Posted at 23:04h, 17 Augustbookmarked for when my ’08 pump dies 🙂
shyam dhruv
Posted at 23:57h, 14 Decemberthinking about buying a 2008 wr250x with fuel pump issues, it has 7k miles, yey or ney? no bikes in town this one is used i hope it works out. i am also wondering about this Honda/Yamaha fuel pump compared to say California cycleworks? i hope it goes for 100,000 miles, although its a Yamaha part and knowing the valve tune up isn’t until 26,000 miles is what gives me any feeling of guarantee … please talk me into buying a wr250x
Posted at 11:54h, 15 DecemberI would not let a fuel pump issue keep me from buying a WRR/X at all.. its an easy fix if it even goes out. Mine never went out… I just changed it as a precaution!
So yes.. buy the bike already 🙂
shyam dhruv
Posted at 16:16h, 19 Decemberi bought the bike i still need a fuel pump, should i buy the ca cycle works one or the one from the Yamaha site? i heard from your replacement that you cracked the housing around the pump, i’m sure if i take my time and i’m really cautious i can save a hundred dollars just buying the pump.
let me know i have the bike in my garage it ran when i test drove it but it hasn’t run since.
Posted at 17:02h, 19 DecemberYea, take your time with it.. I didn’t crack my housing but I’ve heard of that happening. Be careful disconnecting the electrical plug and fuel line as I mentioned above. Other than that its a easy fix.
I dont’ know anything about the CA Cycle Works pump.. so I’m going to lean towards the Yamaha pump mainly because I know the new pumps haven’t had the overheating issue like before. I got mine from Service Honda and its ran great since then.. Good luck!
shyam dhruv
Posted at 23:37h, 19 Decemberi bought the ca cycleworks pump for 137 shipped. it will be here monday. maybe i’ll strip the tank down before then or just save it for christmas day. maybe i’ll be riding on christmas day that would be the best christmas ever!!!!
shyam dhruv
Posted at 20:49h, 24 Decemberi replaced the fuel pump, it cycles every time i turn the key. now it starts sometimes but other times it wont, and when i put it in gear it dies, the kick stand is up, i don’t know what this other problem could be…? do i have to run it longer? i kinda just finished and put it aside, its christmas eve. the gas that came out of the tank didn’t look very good i wonder if that could be it…?
Posted at 12:26h, 26 DecemberYea.. I would definitely siphon that old gas out and put good clean gas in.. it really likes higher octane if you have it available..91 is good.
Also, make sure the air filter is clean and not clogged up.. that will make it run rough as well…
Are you on the stock tank ?
shyam dhruv
Posted at 16:47h, 26 Decembershould have just bought the yamaha pump, not sure about the ca cycleworks one, it cycles but the engine doesn’t fire, i think it was a dead battery so i’m charging it. sucks that i got money for xmas that i could have used to buy the right pump, instead i am out 137 on the cacycleworks pump because i had to modify the tip to make it fit and i scratched the base where the filter goes on so its unreturnable, even though many have said it will fit, it does not and i really feel bad that i’ve wasted 140 on the ca -cycleworks pump. i will let you know when i get the yamaha pump installed and how ever better the bike will run.
shyam dhruv
Posted at 23:02h, 24 Januaryca-cycleworks refunded their pump, not knowing that Yamaha guys were using husqvarna pumps. so i got my 137 back and bought a genuine wr250x pump for 240. got it today, install was a breeze the second time around. kill switch to on and start, it started right up and sounded good, i took it for a short ride and it felt fun, but a bit small ill keep riding and see how it feels.
Posted at 09:38h, 25 JanuaryAwesome! Glad you got that worked out…. what feels small? your WR? What bike are you coming from or previously owned?
shyam dhruv
Posted at 21:31h, 26 Januarythe wr feels small, i can easily lay my foot on the ground, I rode a 2006 s2r1000 for a while and then a 1978 cb450, the handle bars feel a bit funny, maybe need to skinny them up a bit
david westmoreland
Posted at 22:04h, 06 JulyDanny:
Hey thanks for the fix. I have cursed that Yamaha since I got it for leaving me stranded. Never would have got the pos had I known. been a Honda guy my whole life and seems the gods have got even w/me for getting a yamaleaveyoustranded. I’ll spend some more on it to see it that is the problem, hoping it wasn’t a Friday at 5:00 bike.
appreciate the good info, it’s people like you that make the innertube worth reading.
Posted at 04:10h, 05 AprilI have the same problem with my WR125X 2009. After long ride the pump just did not work and I have to wait to cool the bike down. I will try to buy the new pump. As I read, better to buy the new one from Yamaha than try to fit some replacement.
Posted at 14:43h, 05 AprilYes for ease of replacement, getting a new one from Yamaha would be the way to go. I do have a new intake pump that I need to put in my original pump, that will fix the issue as well, but this option is more work, and a bit tedious.
Posted at 23:38h, 24 AprilBasher, I am looking to replace my fuel intake pump only, not the whole assembly ($70 vs $300). Did you have success doing that? Anyone else go that route?
Posted at 10:59h, 25 AprilSpencer.. yes I know of a few guys that have just replaced the intake pump… they have said it’s tedious but doable & worked. I actually purchased one for my stock fuel pump but haven’t swapped out the intake pump only yet!
chris taylor
Posted at 00:35h, 08 JuneI have a 2011 wr250x. With 5500 miles on it and it is having the same issue.. is it just the 08′ that have the problem?
Posted at 07:18h, 09 JuneChris, I believe the issues wasn’t only for 2008’s. If you are experiencing this issue then I’m sure it’s the fuel pump!
Ride Safe!
Posted at 08:44h, 13 JuneChris, I recently was having this problem on my ’08 WR250R. I purchased just the fuel pump without the assembly and installed it myself. A little tricky, but not that difficult. Paid around $70, from Quantum Fuels. A lot less than paying $350+ for the whole assembly!
Dan seagraves
Posted at 03:51h, 06 JuneWill it fit my 2016 wr250r ?
Posted at 07:02h, 08 JuneThe process will be the same for the 2016, just make sure to order the pump for your year bike… or like other’s have posted you can get just the pump and replace that part yourself.