01 Nov UTAH 2013 // UTBDR
Day 3 & 4
Sorry for getting a bit behind … seems I gotta work everyday unlike other folks 😀
It was sad to say goodbye to 3 Step Hideaway… but we knew we had some more riding to do!
We were headed here… the LaSal mountains..
First though before we got to caught up in the ride, we’d better fuel up at this one-pump stop shop.. ( *side note to KTM* : what were you thinking when you put the gas cap on an adventure bike where your gear will obviously go!??? Tell ’em Bud!)
From the desert terrain to huge pines.. man I sooo enjoying these roads through the Lasals…
This is were we stopped and could hear running water, but never could see it.. the sounds were surreal, we just new a big bear was watching us..
We kept climbing up and up.. the temps continued to cool off. Then up a head we heard what sounded like a Harley.. but there’s just no way.. up here! Well.. sure enough this energetic character pulls up to us and immediately starts chatting as if he’d been a part of our group the whole time. It was crazy.. he’d been on some pretty epic adventures himself and had story after story about them.. he told us he once signed an autograph in a bar for some guy who sweared he was the Kenny Rogers..
The sights were endless as we continued to get closer to our intersection with the UTBDR….
I don’t know how long I stared at this… seriously!!!!! Wow.. is all I could think.. just amazing.
BigDog enjoying the view as well..
Off in the distance we could see some pretty grey, loaded up clouds moving in. But out here you never really know if you’ll get rained on or completely miss it.. but we kept moving, on to the Kokopelli Trail..
We started hitting some thick sandy stuff.. then here came a steady drizzle..
But no rain could stop ups.. we ain’t skeerd
I remember this is about were BigDog and I kinda let it hang out a bit.. we started hauling down this trail, decending at a good rate.. the flat rock road was starting to get slick from the rain.. but luckily it’d have patches of dirt so you didn’t get loose. Then there was this off camber down hill drop off onto about 12 feet of pure slick rock.. my eye’s got huge, and I was flying.. I just blipped the throttle right before it and felt like I just hovered right across it, puckering the whole time.
When I got down to where BigDog was waiting, we both started laughing and asking how each of us took that scary slick spot.. seems we both flew right over that thing.. it could of been bad if we didn’t have superior riding skills on a superior 250cc machine of awesome! :freaky
What goes down.. must go up (usually!)
Bud & I rolled his horse back down the steep hill and away he went… as BigDog and Dingweed watched from above.. can you see them in the previous photo.. hehe
What they were really doing is waiting for one of us to fall again so they could snap the photo.. but not this time boys!! I flew right up it…
Then we hit Onion Creek Rd.. this was probably one of my favorite route we took.. it was stellar. Photos & video just don’t paint a good enough picture.. so you are gonna need to go ride it!
There were many many crossings…
The terrain around this creek change quite often too..
Here comes Dingweed, boy he was having a blast!
Time for BigDog to mark his territory again… but what he doesn’t know.. is after he rode around the corner.. I pee’d over his mark.. :rofl
My front D606 was still hangin’ in there… come on baby you can do it!
Our journey continued….
on to the Spanish Trail.. what a piece of history this area was.. Spanish explorers and primarily Ute Indians established the trail some time ago in the late 1700s.. cool!
On this section we would hit one of the deepest sand sections we’d ever ride..
I quickly saved a waypoint for this area.. as it seem to be taking bikes one by one.. but not our little 250s.. they just go right through this stuff..
One BMW got a flat.. and a Buell was almost at its end of life as an ADV bike. These guys were super nice and we enjoyed meeting up with them every time we saw them. Good group of fellow ADV’ers right there…
The way this trail sidewind through the land, it seemed to be parts of an old mining rail bed or something, just a neat section of the UTBDR!
Up and over…
The riding today was never-ending scenic and adventurous… We decided we’d motel it to get cleaned up and eat a real cooked meal. On the way back from dinner to the hotel, we got attacked by Green River mosquitos that almost ate BigDog’s leg right off, I think he ran back to the room!! ..it was like I’ve never seen before.
What a great day..
Day 3 & 4 Video…
Rob Green
Posted at 21:10h, 02 NovemberWell put together I really enjoyed your story. The pictures were great and the video really gives an idea what the riding is like. I hope to do the utbdr next summer. I did the wbdr last july and really enjoyed it but desert scenery on your trip is what I want to experience.
Thanks for posting your ride.
Posted at 22:33h, 02 NovemberHey Rob.. yes the UTBDR needs to be on your list! It has awesome scenery and was a lot of fun. Just be prepared to ride some sand!! I couldn’t believe how hot it got on a few days we rode it that late in the season.. getting up in the mountains cooled things of fast!
I’m hoping to get another BDR ride in next year.. just not sure which one. Be safe and keep me posted..
Matt Mustain
Posted at 00:00h, 08 DecemberHey Bill! Very good post on your ride, looks like y’all had a good time and some very nice scenery! I’m considering the COBDR next summer, just can’t decide between the TW and the Versys 😀
Hope things are going well up there!
Posted at 20:32h, 08 DecemberHey Matt! Glad to hear from you.. and I know the Versys is treating you very well!! The COBDR will be my next ride I think.. it will be on my WR250R for sure.. there’s some technical spots on it.. but I guess you could route around it if you took the Versys. But for me, it’d be the TW!
You could do a great tarmac route to in CO if you wanted to go 2up with your girlfriend.. all the roads are just awesome out there!
Take care and have a Merry Christmas!!
Matt Mustain
Posted at 20:59h, 16 DecemberSorry for the late reply….started planning my CO trip for this summer last night. It’ll be on the Versys, and will combine parts of the COBDR with other roads that I’m just interested in exploring. I’m going to attempt some technical stuff in Black Bear Pass and a few other tough spots so we’ll see how that goes! Going to do Black Canyon, Million Dollar Hwy, Pikes Peak and a few other spots that I’ve never done. Looks like I should ride a good part of southern CO west of I-25.
Hope all is well with you and the family! Merry Christmas to you too!
Posted at 23:37h, 17 DecemberHey Matt… I can’t wait to see your ride report after your trip, you have to keep me posted!! It’s great riding out there and you’ll have a blast, just enjoy every second!
Merry Christmas to you and your family too buddy! God Bless
Kevin Murphy
Posted at 04:50h, 16 AugustGreat ride report, really enjoyed it. Photo’s and video are great. I have had a WR250R for a couple of years but only ride it on day trips in the bush around my area in South Australia and am amazed at how far and where people ride these great bikes.