01 Nov UTAH 2013 // UTBDR
Day Whatever
I finally made it back to BigDog’s motovan in Cortez, CO… the theme of the next 2 days.. rain!! Jeff said they got more rain the few weeks around our visit than all the time he’d lived in Colorado.. haha!
Jeff’s dad was a great sport.. he kept me company during my wait for my flight, I even bummed a ride to the airport from him.
I got checked-in, boarding pass in hand.. then we see our plan taxi up, pilots get out and engines turn off. Hmm…..
There’s about 10 of us there waiting… and we notice all of the airport personel kinda huddling around whispering.. then they break and take us through security.. yes!! 10 minutes later.. “We’re sorry but they have cancelled flights into Denver, we are in a 1 hour delay”.
So we sit and wait…
One hour turns into two, then three, then they say the flight is cancelled for the night. All of us scramble to call the airlines and re-book for the 6am flight the next morning. I talk to United and he confirms my booking.. so I call my good buddy Jeff back up… “J…E..F..F…. I’m stuck at the airport!” “No problem, I’ll pick you up and you can stay at the house, dinner’s waiting for you”, Jeff says. Woohoooo!!
So I stay at Jeff’s another night, he kindly gives me the keys to his truck to take to the airport, since I have to be there at 5am! What a help that was.. I get to the airport, go to check in.. and “I’m sorry sir, but you are NOT in our system!”
“Oh.. and there are no empty seats on this flight!”
My jaw drops.. and they tell me to call the airline, which I do… Immediately the lady(who knows what she’s doing) starts to put it in high gear to help me out. She calmly tells me what she’s doing and to please hold… I hold. and hold. and hold. The airport is now pushing passengers through security and seating them on the plane!! While I’m standing in the lobby waiting…..
She comes back and says “you are good to go..BUT you have to go to Denver, then to Chicago, then to St. Louis… so have them print your boarding pass.” They try and fail! Seems I know owe $300 bucks.. so I kindly tell the mystery lady on the phone…. she says “hold on.. let me do something… ok, almost done, ok have them try now” BOOM!! :clap
Now I hurry and go through security, get on the plan.. and we sit.. and wait again………
Finally, clear to take off.. we fly to Denver, I bust over to the tram, get to my gate and on the gate.. (wish I took a photo!)
Which means my connector from Chicago to St. Louis I will not make…. so the United clerk does some magic and books me on a later flight out of Chicago, putting me in St. Louis, instead of 4:30pm a good ole 10:45pm!!!!
At this point I didn’t care.. I ate a burrito and finally got on my flight to Chicago.. where I waited a couple more hours that I’ll never get back…
Ahh… time to board this little puddle jumper to St. Louie…
Spending so much time in airports, there are lots of stories I could tell.. but most importantly the one about how much I HATE to fly and rely on airlines to get me where I need to go. I should of left Cortez, CO on my WR250R and been back in St. Louis sooner than flying… from Cortez, CO to St. Louis is just an few hours on a airplane, but mine took a couple days!! haha!!
Our UTBDR trip was an epic adventure… but the best part was this..
Riding with good buddies, doing what we love to do.. ride ANYWHERE!
Rob Green
Posted at 21:10h, 02 NovemberWell put together I really enjoyed your story. The pictures were great and the video really gives an idea what the riding is like. I hope to do the utbdr next summer. I did the wbdr last july and really enjoyed it but desert scenery on your trip is what I want to experience.
Thanks for posting your ride.
Posted at 22:33h, 02 NovemberHey Rob.. yes the UTBDR needs to be on your list! It has awesome scenery and was a lot of fun. Just be prepared to ride some sand!! I couldn’t believe how hot it got on a few days we rode it that late in the season.. getting up in the mountains cooled things of fast!
I’m hoping to get another BDR ride in next year.. just not sure which one. Be safe and keep me posted..
Matt Mustain
Posted at 00:00h, 08 DecemberHey Bill! Very good post on your ride, looks like y’all had a good time and some very nice scenery! I’m considering the COBDR next summer, just can’t decide between the TW and the Versys 😀
Hope things are going well up there!
Posted at 20:32h, 08 DecemberHey Matt! Glad to hear from you.. and I know the Versys is treating you very well!! The COBDR will be my next ride I think.. it will be on my WR250R for sure.. there’s some technical spots on it.. but I guess you could route around it if you took the Versys. But for me, it’d be the TW!
You could do a great tarmac route to in CO if you wanted to go 2up with your girlfriend.. all the roads are just awesome out there!
Take care and have a Merry Christmas!!
Matt Mustain
Posted at 20:59h, 16 DecemberSorry for the late reply….started planning my CO trip for this summer last night. It’ll be on the Versys, and will combine parts of the COBDR with other roads that I’m just interested in exploring. I’m going to attempt some technical stuff in Black Bear Pass and a few other tough spots so we’ll see how that goes! Going to do Black Canyon, Million Dollar Hwy, Pikes Peak and a few other spots that I’ve never done. Looks like I should ride a good part of southern CO west of I-25.
Hope all is well with you and the family! Merry Christmas to you too!
Posted at 23:37h, 17 DecemberHey Matt… I can’t wait to see your ride report after your trip, you have to keep me posted!! It’s great riding out there and you’ll have a blast, just enjoy every second!
Merry Christmas to you and your family too buddy! God Bless
Kevin Murphy
Posted at 04:50h, 16 AugustGreat ride report, really enjoyed it. Photo’s and video are great. I have had a WR250R for a couple of years but only ride it on day trips in the bush around my area in South Australia and am amazed at how far and where people ride these great bikes.