18 Jun rtwPaul – Hit’s the USA!
If you’re ever on ADVrider.com browsing the Epic Ride Reports.. then you’ve most likely ran across ADV rider “rtwPaul“. Well, he’s embarked on another epic ride, starting today!
His ride reports are know for his beautiful photos, so this is a ride you don’t want to miss. Follow along on his Facebook page and ADVrider.com thread.
Here’s his planned route:
A few weeks ago, I received a PM from Paul requesting recommendations through Missouri, specifically the TMOT. He sent me his Missouri routes and I looked them over, then offered a few modifications to him, since we both have photography in common, I knew a few “good” spots he’d enjoy!
This is one ride I won’t miss, hopefully I can meet up with Paul as he rides through Missouri… Ride safe buddy!
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