11 Aug IMS Tank Version 2 // KTM 3-Fiddy
IMS 4.5 Version 2 Tank
As many of you 2017 KTM 350 EXC-F owners know or you read my previous post, “IMS Tank Woes“, the first version of the IMS 4.5 gal tank for the 350 did NOT fit on the bike without removing the thermostat. Please read that post for all the details.
A few days ago, I received a response from Daniel Carlos from IMS to contact their general manager, Chris Hardin. So that’s what I did.. I spoke with Chris on the phone regarding the issue with the tank as well as IMS’ lack of response to the issue back in May. He apologized for the issues I experienced and kindly offered to send me their latest version of the tank, I gladly accepted his offer. It was great to hear a company “man-up” to the mistake, take ownership and make it right with their customer… it’s hard to come by these days!! Great job IMS!
NOTE: The second tank version IMS sent me has a stamp on the tank “KTM 26 RV-3” So it may be mold Revision 3 for IMS but was Version 2 of the tank. Here’s a photo of the stamp on the correct tank.
Below are some photos of the tank installed on the bike. I will be tanking a ride with this tank and determine which I prefer while in the saddle.
As far as fitment on the bike… I’d say it is very, very good. You will see in the photos there is a difference between how the IMS and Acerbis sit on the bike and where each store fuel.
Comparison Views
Stay Tuned…
I’m going to get some seat time in on the IMS and report back who I think wins battle of the 350 EXC-F gas tanks.. IMS vs. Acerbis!
Adam M
Posted at 19:31h, 12 AugustJust as I bought my tank from slavens:( it’s on back order. So benefits of the ims tank… more capacity, cheaper, and has brass inserts. Really interested in how you like this tank… I I might be calling slavens Monday morning to try and stop the order. Thanks basher!
Posted at 22:11h, 12 AugustSo they both are good tanks, the Acerbis color is a bit better, and they look of the gas cap and base looks cool. Right now… I’m leaning to the IMS, mainly because of the brass inserts, tank bag fitment for ADV rides and the extra capacity. If only the IMS was the color of the Acerbis, but then again, the IMS is easier to see gas levels than the Acerbis too….
Posted at 22:13h, 12 AugustBTW… I think I have a Acerbis for sale at a good price 🙂
Curtis Jones
Posted at 20:29h, 12 AugustNice comparison will be keen to hear your final views. Would appreciate some comments regarding tank bad fit… which tank handles a tank bag better.
Posted at 22:12h, 12 AugustThe IMS I feel fits a tank bag better because you can slide it up almost on the gas cap… so definitely the IMS wins there.
Glen Johannes
Posted at 19:59h, 19 DecemberDid you have any trouble installing the side panels after the Rev 2 install? I have the same bike and bought the same tank although it is a REV 3 model. I can’t install the side panels correctly as the section under the seat sticks up by a few inches and makes it is impossible to line up the seat bolts. I can install my Seat Concepts seat without the side panels installed. I am wondering whether I would be better off with a Rev 2 tank instead.
Posted at 13:01h, 22 DecemberGlen,
I haven’t had any issues installing the side panels or seat with this new IMS tank. I would definitely contact IMS and see what they say, if they don’t give you a good answer keep asking!!
Mine lines all up very good.
Ride Safe!
Posted at 12:00h, 27 DecemberGlen… I just confirmed that my tank is stamped RV-3, I’ve added the photo to the post above. So it appears it would be Version 2 of the tank but mold Revision 3 for IMS.
I’ve had no issues with fitment as I commented earlier.
Glen Johannes
Posted at 22:51h, 27 DecemberThank you for the update. In fact mine is stamped exactly the same as your tank (KTM 26 RV-3). I still have no idea why my side panels will not sit correctly;)
Joseph Harvey
Posted at 11:28h, 27 DecemberIf IMS has replaced Version 1 to a Version 2 do they also have a newer part number? I wonder if the version 1 units have all be purged from the pipeline?
Posted at 12:01h, 27 DecemberJoseph.. where ever you purchase it from make sure you get the tank that has a stamp on it “KTM 26 RV-3”. I’ve posted a photo above of my tank.
Remember this is for the KTM 350 EXC-F, so the version 1 would still fit the 500 EXC-F.
Ride safe!
Joseph Harvey
Posted at 14:57h, 15 JanuaryThanks for the response. Also thanks for bringing this issue to us and to IMS. I took delivery of a 2018 350EXCF and now the mods begin. I sent IMS an email to make sure the tank they list on the WEB site is the one you have stated as “KTM 26 RV-3”. My local shop gives me nice discounts and he buys from a distributor of IMS tanks. Hopefully a new part number was issued for the “KTM 26 RV-3” and the distributor has those in the pipeline.
Joseph Harvey
Posted at 00:04h, 02 FebruaryI have another question about installation. Can the tank hardware from the stock tank be used on the IMS 3.2 Gal tank. IMS web site says some models with require additional hardware from KTM.
Fuel pump nut, KTM P/N 78107088014
Fuel connector, KTM P/N 78107088017
New 90 Degree Variation of Fuel Connector is also available: KTM P/N 77707988017
It seems like the same stock parts as what come on the bike could be utilized.
Posted at 07:50h, 02 FebruaryHey Joe… so the issue I’ve seen with the IMS or Acerbis tanks is if the tank wall thickness is not the same as the stock tank.
That being said, you can cut down the stock 90 degree connector and make it work, I didn’t have good luck with that on the Acerbis tank for some reason, as it was much thinner than the stock. Maybe the correct washer would of helped. Jeff Slaven got it to work so I know it does.
The IMS seems thicker than the Acerbice tank so may not need to cut it as much.
I did not use the stock 90 degree connector as I cut it for the Acerbis so I went with the straight connector, but I may pick up the new 90 degree connector to get the fuel line tucked in a bit more.
Check out my post on the Acerbis 4.1 tank install and you’ll see photos of what I’m talking about.
Good luck!
Joseph Harvey
Posted at 09:52h, 24 FebruaryGood morning Basher. By email I asked a retailer if they sold the 3.2 gal Version 2 tank for the 350 that did not interfer with the thermostat. Response was that the tanks they sold would fit. So I took them up on that. Wrong. A call to IMS and they decided to correct the problem by sending me a tank. In my case a KTM-27 version 2. Beta testing, one, to, three. Good news and bad news to talk to IMS about on Monday.
Joseph Harvey
Posted at 11:04h, 27 FebruaryIMS is sending me a 3.2gal tank from the new batch that just arrived from their factory. I was told that they had a new 350 EXCF in their shop with the new tank and it fits fine. I realize it must be very difficult to make aftermarket parts for so many different bikes. They have been responsive.