11 May 01. Divider Wall Part 1
This last weekend I finally got around to constructing the divider wall in my MotoVan.. separating the cabin from the bikes which will keep any gas/oil smells out of the cabin. I decided to go with a plywood divider so my sons and I picked up some 19×32″ 4’x8′ sheathing.. why these sheets.. cuz it looked the best to me and wasn’t as expensive as 3/4″ nor as heavy! Grabbed some 5.0mm panel board for ceiling/wall covering & some saw horse too..
Since the van walls are curved, I used a big piece of cardboard and a little rigged up pencil tool to transfer the outline of the walls to the cardboard…
Here’s my pencil tool.. I just had to move the level to the bottom for tracing the top curves..
After my trace was done I cut the cardboard to see how it fit.. then used it as a stencil on the plywood.
Using a jig saw with a fine blade.. I cut the plywood… I also wanted the mill square edge to be at the top because my second piece will sit on top of this. My hand cut edge will be on the floor.
The lower wall piece..
To anchor the wood to the van studs I used 1/4″x20 1.5″ bolts with 1-1/4″ dia. washers and nylon locknuts. I wanted easy and removable if need be…
At the bottom of the wall I also added extra support to keep the bottom from moving.. I cut small pieces of 1-1/2″ slotted angle..
I used a small piece at each end and in the middle.. if I can get it bolted through the floor..
So far it’s very sturdy.. Part 2 will be the top piece.. unfortunately my back went out so it will be a bit before I can pick it up again…
Alex Rice
Posted at 12:11h, 25 FebruaryHey I’m Alex I found your motovan build on the web. It has inspired my build and I have a few questions? How many big bikes can you fit in the van? I’ve heard guys stuffing 4 bikes but it just doesn’t seem reasonable. Three bikes seems more likely and comfortable. I also like how your seats in the cabin are comfortable and easily removed if needed.
Posted at 16:18h, 25 FebruaryHey Alex! Yes I don’t see how you could fit 4 bikes… maybe it’s possible but seems like a nightmare.. I know you can fit 3, we’ve put two in front wheel first, then the middle one rear wheel in first.
Here you can see 2 bikes in on my last Utah trip: Two Motos
Would love to see some photos of your MotoVan when you finish.. if ever! 😀
I’m working on a new post now just summarizing why MotoVans are awesome..
Ride Safe!
Alex Rice
Posted at 20:41h, 25 FebruaryYea I picked a van up 2 weeks ago and I’m working on building the wall and installing seats. I like how you can remove seats. How easy are they to install and install for your bed?
Posted at 08:11h, 26 FebruaryIts really easy, 4 bolts per seat. The hardest part is just picking up the seats and moving them!
Alex Rice
Posted at 11:13h, 02 MarchDid you remove the heat shield underneath to mount the plate steel for the unistrut? I’m kind of doing the same concept in my van. I just noticed there are heat sheilds all underneath the van
Posted at 15:25h, 02 MarchI drilled holes large enough to get my sockets up there , one near the right rear I couldn’t drill but had to wedge a open wrench in their, kinda a pain but got it to work out!