04 Aug Idaho 2010 : No 7. “After the Trip”
We returned home last Saturday and it was an adventure to say the least! I’m working on writing a ride report once I get all my photos organized and the other guys get theirs uploaded as well. Hopefully I can get a recap report done soon and share with everyone what all our trip entailed! I will say this.. I crashed (bummed shoulder) and a fuel pump issue left us out in Grizzly country for a bit.
Here are some scenic photos I’ve pulled together so far.
Prairie Cattle Gates – there’s something about riding through these gates that just makes it more epic
Desolate Ranch Road – I image this structure has many stories it could tell
Iowa Creek – my WR sitting on this wooden bridge that spanned across a beautiful creek
Jackson Lake – just a majestic scene.
This trip taught me many things, from how to ride better, how to pack better, how to live better and how to love more. Seeing the vastness of creation in the mountains will open the mind and remind you how small you really are.
Stay tuned.
Idaho Trip Journal
Idaho 2010 : “The Ride Report”
Idaho 2010 : No 7. “After the Trip”
Idaho 2010 : No 6. “In Flight”
Idaho 2010 : No. 5 “Idaho Bound”
Idaho 2010 : No. 4 “All Packed!”
Idaho 2010 : No. 3 “Is this really happening!”
Idaho 2010 : No. 2 “Camera, Maps & Gear, oh MY!”
Idaho 2010 : No. 1
Chris Luhman
Posted at 07:15h, 05 AugustI hope you weren’t hurt too much! The pics are great! I really like the lake pic at the end
PS: thanks for the notify on followups!!!!
Posted at 07:21h, 05 AugustLets see I went down on Saturday night, shoulder was very sore on Sunday & Monday especially. Tuesday we rode some really rough stuff and it practically stopped working. So I was riding like a one-armed bandit. Today, it’s still a bit stiff in the morning, but I think it’s going to be fine.
I got several days of good riding in with & without the pain… it’s all good!
Chris Luhman
Posted at 07:26h, 05 AugustAt least you were still able to ride!! Are you taking your vitamin I? (aka ibuprofen) 🙂
Posted at 09:59h, 05 AugustYes! And lots of stretching…