My Ride Reports

** GPS Files can be downloaded here. Last winter I stumbled upon a DRZ Charlie's Trans-Arkansas Trail ride report and noticed the "TART" ends in Blue Eye, MO.  This caught my eye.. as you can see in this photo, I know a thing or two about...

My wife and I were celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary so we decided to do something we've never done...

Burner(left) and I(right) met back when I was in 3rd grade.  He was a grade ahead of me.  If you ask me it was a divine introduction, cuz I was the new kid on the playground and Aaron just came over to me and we...

Continuing from my last ride post, I routed from Charette Creek over to Dry Fork Rd.  But on my way there I wanted to see this old farm house set off on this remote road just north of Hwy 94. Some of us locals know...

Day 2 of my Swinging Bridges ride was one of the best days of riding here in my home state of Missouri I've had to date.  Camping the night before I spent some time working on my route so I could wake up early, visit...

Join me for a 500 mile ride on my WR250R around central Missouri to visit some early 1900s swinging bridges. Some of these bridges are almost a hundred years old and are historical gems. Day 1 includes some amazing Missouri creek roads, visiting a historic...

Motorcycling has captured me.  Of any hobby I've ever had, this one tops them all.  Growing up, I was the kid that rode his bicycle trying to keep up with the kids that had motors on theirs.  I bought my first dirt bike in 2007,...

This is my first real ride report so please forgive me that it's not up to par with a BigDog, Cannonshot or DockingPilot's report!  After a few months of planning, bike preparation and dreaming, July 22, 2010 marked the day I'd fly out from St....

We returned home last Saturday and it was an adventure to say the least! I'm working on writing a ride report once I get all my photos organized and the other guys get theirs uploaded as well. Hopefully I can get a recap report done...